You've got EBOLA!

You've got EBOLA!

Mums and dads, do you have a discipline technique that's a little off-centre? One American couple's taking flak for...we're not going to tell you. You've got to watch the video!


Parenting is hard work, especially if you've got a kid who relentlessly pushes your buttons.

You know how patient you have to be with your child. You have to nurture and teach your little one resourcefully in the hope that one day, he or she will learn from their mistakes and be thankful that they listened to you.

These lessons will serve them well when they become parents.

So, we have to wonder what this American mum and dad were thinking when they had to teach their naughty little boy a lesson.

We're not sure what this kid did to deserve this, but watch his reaction when they tell him that he has Ebola, the virus that's claimed the lives of more than 5 000 people so far.

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