Why we adore Darren

Why we adore Darren

Happy Birthday to our favorite Breakfast host, Darren Maule! The team has each shared a quirky and quite interesting fact about Darren that you might have not known! And we want you to add to the list, take a look:

The team has decided to compile a list called: Why we adore Darren!
We would like you to take part in the fun and add why you adore Darren! 
Here is what we have thus far:
1. He is funny. Darren, like a true comedian, will help you find your smile especially when you're having a bad day!
Darren announced on his show during Toy Story Corporate Day 2013 that if they raised more than R300 000 during his show, he would run through the casino is a speedo.
This definitely made us smile! Take a look:

The Breakfast Whack with Darren - He absolutely loves playing pranks on people:

2. Darren has his own Sasha Fierce like Beyoncé. We all know that he can't sing or whistle in key. What you don't know is that he actually can sing when he puts on his 'theatre' voice! 
3. He loves food. Darren will happily eat chocolate cake for breakfast.

4. His best hairstyle is the 'bed head' look. This is the no maintenance do. Darren just gets out bed and drives to work.
5. When it comes to fashion Darren rarely puts his best foot forward. Who would be able to when you've got a continental pillow to see past?
6. Darren Maule honours a bet!
Darren goes diving with real sharks at uShaka - not in a cage, but actually IN the tank. We're told that members of the public are not usually allowed to do this, for good reason!
Darren ate breakfast off a toilet floor after being dared to do so by the owner of the Windmills in Notties:
6. He is The Best Photobomber...Ever:
We want you to add to our list!
Share with us below why you adore Darren Maule, Facebook or tweet @ECRBreakfast 

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