Who’s got the arm of Thor?

Who’s got the arm of Thor?

Darren and Sky never seem to see eye to eye on sports-related topics. Not a day goes by without an office debate about Lewis Hamilton’s love life or Maria Sharapova’s grunt!


Things are getting bad at the East Coast Radio offices. Darren and Sky seem to be arguing about anything and everything lately. 

Most of their heated discussions are around sports. When Darren brings up Crystal Palace, Sky hits back with a nasty quip. 

If Sky brags about the Cheetahs then Darren sticks in the verbal blade leading to a louder conversation about who’re the kings of the rugby field. 

These boys just don’t know when to stop. When they’re not in the same room, they’re sending hate messages via WhatsApp to get their point across. It’s actually driving Natarah insane!

So she decided to put an end to this bickering once and for all. Natarah instructed Darren and Sky to take their frustration out on the table. 

Boys, let’s get ready to arm wrestle! Who do you think will win? Before watching the video below guess the champ: #TeamDarren or #TeamSky? Write your answer in comments section below.

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