When is the right time to stop breastfeeding? Do think it is ok to breastfeed a 6 year old?

When is the right time to stop breastfeeding? Do think it is ok to breastfeed a 6 year old?

A mum of a six year old has copped a lot of criticism for breast feeding her six year old!


A mother who breastfeeds her 6-year-old daughter, says she has been called a paedophile after sharing her story online.

Calling her a paedophile is plain stupid, we get that, but is breast feeding a six year old, a child capable of using a knife and fork, in public ok? 

Is it necessary, either nitritionally or for parental bonding? 

It is also damn awkward to witness! 

Maha Al Musa, 52, says she has never been personally attacked when breastfeeding Aminah in public, however she has received hurtful comments online. 

We get that people are too nervous to approach in public and prefer to attack her on social media, where we can hide from face to face confrontation. 

But I am not too sure about this! Google breatsfeeding, and all I see are moms and babies! 

What do you think about this? 


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