What's the big deal about breastfeeding in public?

What's the big deal about breastfeeding in public?

If 'breast is best', why do women get judged for breastfeeding in public? Zaba has her say.


In recent months, with my preparations for being a first-time mom, a lot of advice has come from all walks of life.

Previously I told you about how I get told what child birth feels like, and another topic which sparks up a lot of controversy is the topic of breastfeeding.

I have always been pro-breastfeeding. My mother breastfed me, and her mother breastfed her and so on and we are strong and kicking.

I'm also not a fan of feeding my baby formula, unless for some reason the baby can't digest breast milk or mom can't produce enough breast milk, I don't see the need for formula when one has a pair of tah-tahs.

Recently I also read that breastfeeding is also good for mom as studies have found that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of invasive breast cancers by up to 20%.

But, a lot of people are up in arms when it comes to breastfeeding - especially where moms can breastfeed.

Rihanna goes to an awards ceremony with her boobies on show for everyone to see and people are 100% okay with it but a woman wants to breastfeed her infant in public and we are up in arms about "how disgusting" that is.

I've actually heard of a lady who was once asked to go breastfeed in the bathroom while she was out with friends at a restaurant. It's a restaurant for crying out loud, people go there to eat, and babies need to eat, so why should they go eat in a bathroom?

So what's the big deal about breastfeeding anyway?

Why are we so against something so natural?

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