We forgot the lyrics!

We forgot the lyrics!

If you thought Darren Maule was the only one with the ability to butcher the lyrics of great hits, think again. We asked you to share your most messed up lyrics with us. Read on for a good laugh!


Darren Maule is suspect number one when it comes to forgetting the lyrics of songs.

The Breakfast Stack jock will be the first to admit this. He puts this down to not being able to understand what the artist is saying.

That's what led the team to chat about lyrics that are commonly misheard. We had some great responses via Twitter and on The Breakfast Stack Facebook fan page.

Chloe Clover Penn says, "My gran thought the song Like a G6 was like a cheesecake. It was hilarious!"

Shernette Pillay says, "When I was little I used to sing the lyrics 'everytime you go away you take a piece of meat with you'."

Lee-Ann Dahl says, "My friend used to always think Sophie Ellis Baxter's song Murder on the dance floor was mud on the dance floor! She used to sing it at the top of her voice!"

Tiaan Pieterse says, "There is a song that goes 'baby there's a shark in the water.' I always thought it was baby there's a shortage of water."

Tanya Keough Botes says, "When I was small, I thought Tina Turner was singing 'You must understand, the touch of your hand makes my toes react'.

Nicole Sewsunker got Justin Timberlake's Mirrors wrong. She says she sang, "It's like your in the mirror" until a friend told her the right words.

Teri Heugh says her daughter sings Miley's Wrecking Ball, "You came in like a butterfly."

Here are more comments from our Facebook page:





Check out these other gems we found online.

Madonna: Like a Virgin
Like a virgin touched for the thirty-first time.

Bee Gees: Stayin' Alive
Steak and a Knife, Steak and a Knife

OneRepublic: Apologize
It's too late to order fries

Toto: Africa
There's nothing that a hundred men on Mars could ever do.

R.E.M.: Losing My Religion
Let's pee in the corner, Let's pee in the spotlight.

Psy: Gangnam Style
Oprah got no style!

Bon Jovi: Living On A Prayer
It doesn't make a difference if we're naked or not.

Hot Chocolate: I Believe in Miracles
I Remove Umbilicals

Annie Lennox sings: "Sweet dreams are made of cheese/Who am I to disagree?"

Rihanna sings "We found Dove in a soapless place"

Adele - “Should I give up, or should I just keep chasing penguins?”

- Natarah Nadesan

Tweet me: @NatarahNadesan

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