Vote in the #SlapChip Challenge

Vote in the #SlapChip Challenge

We need your help to pick the best looking slap chips meal. Who do you thinks deserves the title of “Slap Chips Master”? Darren, Natarah or Sky?


Last week J’Something from Micasa challenged the East Coast Breakfast team to a slap chips cooking challenge.
Listent to what the team had to do here.

Darren, Natarah and Sky were keen to get into the kitchen and they wanted to spice things up a bit.
So they each decided to make their own proudly South African slap chips combo, present the meal to the team, taste it and give the dish a score out of 10.
This isn’t all about taste though, it's about presentation too!
That's where you come in! We need you to vote for the best looking slap chips meal!
You'll find pictures of the three dishes below. Darren’s Gatsby consists of slap chips, cheese, fried polony, lettuce and caramelised onions in a fresh bread roll.
Sky picked a Kota which consists of slap chips, polony, cheddar cheese and a secret sauce on white bread.

Nats pulled out all the stops. She made her mum's extra delicious slap chips Bunny Chow. Nats made a mild lamb curry with extra gravy and brought some mango pickle for added flavour. 
We need you to vote for the best looking meal!
Who do you think deserves the title of ‘Best South African slap chips Master’?

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