VIDEO: This selfie sucks!

VIDEO: This selfie sucks!

It seems the days of telling someone how you feel about them, face-to-face, are numbered. Check out the video of this guy trying to flirt with a girl online. The outrageous selfie has gone viral.


What happened to being honest about your feelings for someone?

What happened to telling a man or woman that you like them, face-to-face? It seems more and more people are giving up vocalizing their feelings about everyday experiences.

Many of us have also taken words completely out of sentences. We're now emailing or texting with just smiley faces;)

So if we're happy, it's :)

If we're sad :(

The pattern has escalated over the years. Now, we’re just uploading photos. Most recently, selfies have emerged as the popular option to show people how we're doing, whether at work, home or out partying.

The word, "selfies," believe it or not has been added to the Oxford Dictionary.

If you don't know what this means, here it is. A selfie is, "a picture taken of oneself while holding the camera at arms length." You can also do this with your cellphone, like actress and singer Selena Gomez has done.

(Above: Selena Gomez gets playful for her camera)

Singer Rihanna and TV personality Kim Kardashian are more like 'selfieholics' for overwhelming the web with photos of themselves.

(Above: Kim Kardashian, a selfie queen)

However, when it comes to the wacky and bizarre, first prize goes to this guy in the US. We don't know his name, which's actually a good thing. He recently took a selfie video and sent it to a girl he liked. The story goes like this. He met her at a Starbucks and asked her for her number. She gave it to him. Instead of calling her to tell her that he thinks she's gorgeous, he sent her a video selfie in a weird pose trying to show how hot he HE is. Epic fail! He smiles at first then touches his face pretending to be all cool.

The poor guy's probably trying to find the best mask in town now. The girl's friend put his video on Instagram which's now gone viral, attracting a lot of unwanted attention. Shame! Check out the video below.



Are you a "selfieholic?"  Prove it by sending your most outrageous selfies to The Breakfast Stack [email protected] - with the subject line "My best selfie". 

- Natarah Nadesan

Tweet me: @NatarahNadesan

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