VIDEO: Man struck by lightning

VIDEO: Man struck by lightning

It seems appropriate that on the day that a tremor was felt across large parts of the country, we stumble upon a video of a man who happened to record himself being struck by lightning. He survived.


A man by the name of Robb Montejano was walking across a field in Seattle on Saturday when he noticed a thunderstorm approaching.

Just like any dedicated social media user would do, he decided to capture it on film using his smartphone.

Less than a minute after hitting the record button on his phone, Montejano experienced the lighning first hand. 

As if a camera shy Mother Nature was saying, "Please don't film me," Montejano felt her wrath in the form of a solid jolt of lightning!

It turned out to be nothing more than a polite warning on the part of Mother Nature, as Montejano somehow survived to share the tale. 

And, here it is!

Have you ever been struck by lightning or seen someone who has? What is the worst natural disaster (for want of a better term) have you experienced?

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