VIDEO: Lady Gaga's Ice Bucket Challenge

VIDEO: Lady Gaga's Ice Bucket Challenge

Lady Gaga doesn't flinch as she does the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.


The Ice Bucket Challenge, sometimes called the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, is an activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on one's head or donating to the ALS Association in the United States. 

It has spread like wild fire throughout social media.

The challenge dares nominated participants to have a bucket of ice water poured on their head. 

One common stipulation gives 24 hours from the time they are nominated to complete the dare; otherwise, the participant is asked to donate money to charity.

Celebrities across the globe have taken up the challenge from Rita Ora, Taylor Swift, J. Lo, Oprah, Bill Gates and Biebs to name just a handful. 
Justin throws out the challenge to Ellen and Barack Obama - love that kid! 

Most of the icy splashes had a lot of shrieking to go with it. 

Trust Lady Gaga to do it with such poised drama and lack of emotion. 

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