The Breakfast Stack's Flu Fighters!

The Breakfast Stack's Flu Fighters!

Natarah's become the first one on the team to catch flu. All she wants is her mum's delicious King soup. That's got Darren and the rest of the team reminiscing about the homemade remedies their mums gave them, when they were children...


It's happened. I've succumbed to influenza and I really couldn't help it, what with every second colleague at work sneezing in every direction. Yuck! Apart from taking the usual medication prescribed by my doctor, there are some DIY remedies that are just so wholesome and comforting.

So I asked the team to think back to their growing years and recall what their mums fed them when they were sick.

Darren Maule: When I was a child spicy chicken soup (yes, my mum threw in a few chillies) worked like a bomb! It kicked the flu right out of my system. 

Chicken soup minus the chillies!


Samson Oduntan: Sleep and cough mixture did it for me. Remember Calpol, the pink medicine? That's what I took. I honestly didn't think of it as medicine because when my mum wasn't there, I used to drink it from the bottle. It was so tasty!

The medicine Sam thought was juice


Natarah Nadesan: My mum makes the most delicious King soup also called Russum. When I was younger, I could count on this mixture of roasted spices to sort me out. She also made something called ginger milk that is perfect for a sore throat. Mum boiled milk, with sugar, some turmeric and pieces of ginger in a pot to make a hot cup of goodness. I'll put these recipes up soon!


Fresh pieces of ginger


George Thorne: My mum would feed me chicken soup and ply me with whatever sleep inducing cough mixture there was in the cupboard.


Wesley Cruikshanks: I'll never forget the pungent hot toddy my mum used to make with water, brandy, honey, cloves, cinnamon and sugar. It was so good!


Homemade hot toddy


- Natarah Nadesan

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