Skinny jeans health warning!

Skinny jeans health warning!

A woman has had to be hospitalised after her super tight skinny jeans cut off some of the blood supply to her leg muscles.


Squatting in super-tight "skinny" jeans may pose a health risk, Australian doctors have warned, reporting the case of a woman who temporarily lost feeling in her legs from an hours-long squeeze.

The 35-year-old collapsed and had to be hospitalised the day after helping a relative move home, spending hours on her haunches to unpack cupboards.

The unusual case was reported in a British specialist publication, the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.

"She had been wearing tight 'skinny' jeans and recalled that these had felt increasingly tight and uncomfortable as the day wore on," the journal said.

"Later that evening, she experienced numbness in her feet and found it difficult to walk, which caused her to trip and fall. 

"Unable to get up, she spent several hours lying on the ground before she was found."

The woman's legs were so swollen that the jeans could only be removed by cutting them off, said the statement. 

She couldn't move her ankles or toes properly, and had lost feeling in her lower legs and feet.

She was put on a drip, and was able to walk normally again four days later.

Doctors at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, South Australia, said the jeans, combined with the squatting, had reduced blood supply to the leg muscles.

At the same time, nerve fibres connecting to the lower legs had been damaged by prolonged compression, which explained the numbness and loss of control.

"The present case represents a new neurological complication of wearing tight jeans," they wrote.

I must admit I live by the age old saying of "You have to suffer for beauty". 

I believe in obtaining the perfect look. I try to be comfortable while I do it but I've also gone to a few extremes in search of perfection.

I've worn waist trainers and tight jeans and extra tight body con dresses.

Fashion comes and goes and the skinny jean trend is probably going to fade away soon - but some fashion lives with us forever; some of our bad (and unhealthy) fashion choices live in our memories and in photographs!

What bad (or unhealthy) fashion choices have you ever made?

(File photo: Gallo Images) 

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