Sirshin chats to MMA fighters from the 031!

Sirshin chats to MMA fighters from the 031!

Sirshin got to spend an evening with 4 of Durban's great MMA fighters a few days before the historical EFC 33 hits our shores. But it didn't go as planned!

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Obviously when you have guys of this nature in studio talking about a big fight weekend - you assume that it's going to be serious fight talk all night. Never would you imagine that the four men ( and the manager) would turn out to be some of the funniest guys to grace our show... You have to listen to these guys.

Oh and just in case you forget - these are PROFESSIONAL mixed martial artists who can kick ass and do so regularly.

Thanks to Donovan and Wesley Hawkey, Baldwin Mdlalose,  Abdul Hassan and Sandro Avellini for coming in to chat on Between 2 Speakers.

EFF 33 action takes place on Saturday 30 August at the ICC.

Getting to know the guys:


Fight talk and EFC prep:


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