Should homework be abolished?

Should homework be abolished?

One of the UK's most prestigious schools want to abolish homework in an aim to tackle the "epidemic" of teenage depression and anxiety.


In addition to this, teachers are being trained to spot mental illness in its early stages and pupils are going to have compulsory meditation classes and be given twice as long to walk from classroom to classroom in between lessons.

Depression is a very serious condition, but getting rid of homework to tackle depression seems a little too extreme for me.

High school should be a preparation for university.

I went to a high school with fairly small classes. Our school was also very strict about homework, and I remember my maths teacher, Mrs Hawkey, telling me that homework was a way to prepare us for the reality of university where for the majority of the time, you're left to do things yourself. 

So what do you think?

Do you think that this is a good thing for teens?

Will it help tackle depression?

(Photo: Gallo Images) 



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