Poo dropping from the sky ruins sweet 16

Poo dropping from the sky ruins sweet 16

Birthday girl Jacinda was just relaxing with friends and family at her house when the worst thing ever started falling from the sky… Poo!


A girl was celebrating her sweet 16 when all of sudden it rained poop! 

Jacinda Cambray had about 40 people at her house to celebrate her birthday when, just as she was about to blow out the candles, human feces  began to fall from the sky.

'Out of nowhere, from the sky, comes a bunch of feces,' Joe Cambray, Jacinda's stepfather, told FOX 29.

While it's not confirmed where the downpour came from, Joe's sister, using an app on her smartphone, determined that at least five planes were flying above the area at that time and could have released the waste from the plane.

FOX reports that the family has filed a complaint with the FAA. The Administration says there will be an investigation.

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