This optical illusion could affect your vision

This optical illusion could affect your vision

The Drive Team has found an optical illusion that is so mind-blowing it comes with a health warning. It could affect your vision and make you confuse your colours for over three months.


This particular trick can make you confuse black and white for green and red for up to three and a half months.

Consider yourself warned!

It involves staring at images of vertical and horizontal lines until you eventually see black and white as green and red.

If you're still here and ready to try it, please do not do this for longer than 15 minutes.

Firstly, look at the test grid of black and white lines below and confirm they do look black and white.

Then you stare alternately at the square containing red and black stripes and the one with green and black stripes for up to three minutes.

Then you look back at the black and white lines once more.

At this point, you should be able to make out that the top right and bottom left vertical stripes of the black and white grid are a little pink, while the top left and bottom right horizontal stripes should appear slightly green.

If this is all a little confusing or if all these lines are giving you a headache, this video explains it all quite perfectly

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