NSFW: Is Instagram prejudiced against Fat People?

NSFW: Is Instagram prejudiced against Fat People?

YouTuber Meghan Tonjes, a consummate musician, and a leading voice on body positivity is not happy with Instagram! And I can see why!

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YouTuber Meghan Tonjes, a consummate musician, and a leading voice on body positivity is not happy with Instagram!

After launching her #BootyRevolution Instagram campaign in response to a photo of her butt being removed for supposedly violating their "mature content" rule, she's now taking the app to task once again. Simply put, is Instagram banning imags of plus sized women?  

Instagram recently cleared out their #curvy tag. Instagram claims it has done this as they are seing an increase in content posted with this hashtag that gets flagged as inappropriate. So who is tagging these images as inappropriate? Why are they so offended? Why is Instagram pandering to this?  

In a new video, "Why #Curvy Is A BIG Deal," Meghan argues that Instagram's decision is less about protecting public interest, and more about the continued attack on fat bodies. 

Watch the video below and decide for yourself! 

I think Meghan is spot on!  Viva Meghan Tonjes, viva #bootyrevolution! 

What do you think about the what is considered attractive or not? Do you think Social Media platforms descriminate against plus sized woman?

Post your comments below. 

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