NSFW: This guy's girlfriend set his penis on fire for cheating!

NSFW: This guy's girlfriend set his penis on fire for cheating!

The video is NSFW and contains very strong language. I am very sure ever person who has been cheated on will sympathize with this woman's actions!

cheater car.jpg

If you have been cheated on I am quite sure you fantisize about getting back at the cheating bastard!

There are the traditional revenges: 

1) Throw  their clothes out the window

2) Put their electronic toys in the washing machine

3) Phone their mom and let her know what her boy has done!

4) Send him out with a sign around his neck like this poor guy


5) You could follow Carrie Underwood's example in her classic song "Before He Cheats"- destroy his precious car!. 

​6) Or you could set his penis ON FIRE!

This woman did! 

Is this action completely insane or weirdly justifiable?

You be the judge.

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