Nothing real about reality TV

Nothing real about reality TV

The fact is reality TV is the furthest thing from reality, yet we are fooled into believing that we too can achieve this kind of fame through these shows. Take a look at what Terence has to say about reality TV 'stars'

A new season of Big Brother launched last week.  This time it’s Big Brother South Africa… Initially I thought it would be a little more interesting than the other incarnations that we’ve seen before because it’s an all-South-African cast, but as it turns out it’s just as bad as ever before. 
But viewers are glued to the screens, watching the shenanigans of these contestants, who in fact are just hanging out!
 So what is our obsession with reality TV. 
The fact is reality TV is the furthest thing from reality, yet we are fooled into believing that we too can achieve this kind of fame through these shows. What reality TV has done is make fame realistically achievable and so relative nobodies now feel they too can become an overnight “celebrity”…
And the line between reality and fantasy has been blurred and we are duped into identifying with these “celebrities” that are essentially created with a large budget and a not-always creative producer! 
Take a listen to what Terence Pillay thinks: 

What do you think? Are we obsessed with reality TV. 

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-Terence Pillay

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