This mother is having none of it!

This mother is having none of it!

Watch the moment a Baltimore mother becomes an overnight hero after repeatedly smacking her 16-year-old son for taking part in riots.


Members of the public in Baltimore were rioting following the funeral of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, who died in police custody. 

Toya Graham spotted her son in the crowd and she was having none of it!

Graham says, "At that point, I just lost it. He gave me eye contact. And at that point, you know, not even thinking about cameras or anything like that. That's my only son and at the end of the day I don't want him to be a Freddie Gray."

Graham is - by her own admission - a take-no-nonsense single mother of six children.

She says rioting in Baltimore is no way to go about getting justice.

There is already a Toya Graham for Mayor Facebook page.

We think her 16-year-old son might just have lost about one billion gangsta points there!

Is she a hero for scolding her son in public or should she have let him just be?

Leave your thoughts here or on our Facebook page.

And here Toya explains her stance:

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