Mom: 50 Shades of Grey is not a love story

Mom: 50 Shades of Grey is not a love story

This weekend the film adaptation of 50 Shades of Grey broke box office records. But is it telling our young adults the right thing? The jury is out.


All weekend I saw excitable posts on Facebook as girlfriends collected and went and watched 50 Shades of Grey. Is it just me or is that a girls night out you'd rather miss?

Don't get me wrong, I joined the frantic circus when the books came out and yes while lying in bed heavily pregnant with twins plodded my way through.

But when I came across a letter - written by a mom to her kids after she was peer-pressured into watching the movie - I have to say I echo most of her sentiments.

Mum-of-three Michelle Lewsen says, against her better judgement, she succumbed to peer pressure and went to watch the film with a group of her girlfriends. "I ignored the little voice in my head that implored me to just say “no!” because, after all, it’s just a silly movie, right? Well, I wish I had done as I always tell you to do and given that voice credit because it was right. The thing is, I’m also kind of glad I didn’t because now I have these words for you," she writes. 

Describing the film as 'drivel' she says she penned the letter so that if the day comes when her kids make the choice to see it, they'll recognise Fifty Shades of Grey for what it is, rather than what it pretends to be.

"It is not a love story," she continues. "It does a pretty convincing job of masquerading as one, for sure, but please believe me when I say that love doesn’t even have a cameo role in this plot. It is also not a romantic fairy tale with a harmless bit of naughtiness sprinkled on top."

Read Michelle's full letter to her kids on her blog and let us know what you think in the comments' section below. 


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