Joaquin Phoenix's forehead!

Joaquin Phoenix's forehead!

I have seen this movie, but I certainly didn't see THIS!


It really is amazing what you can find on the internet these days. And after seeing this clip, I'm really grateful that some people have nothing better to do with their day than to find comedy in everything!

This clip is from the movie "Her". Joaquin Phoenix plays the lead role; his character is a man who falls in love with an intelligent computer operating system! Strange, I know! Scarlet Johannson provides the voice to Samantha - the operating system. I have to admit, the movie bored me to tears.

Fast forward to the closing scene of the movie (you haven't missed much), and you find something that you simply cannot unsee!

It's important you tilt your head to the LEFT when watching this; rest your head on your left shoulder and watch it all unfold! Perhaps you'll spot the strange little Voldemort type man who appears there!

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