Incredible story: One Brave Man

Incredible story: One Brave Man

Mandla Zwane, who has been blind since birth, is taking on his tenth Comrades Marathon this year - with no guide. Find out more about his remarkable story here.

For most of us, the mere thought of running anything other than a tab at a restaurant gives us the nervous shivers. For Mandla Zwane, who has been blind since birth, running is just what he does. 
Chatting to Deon Govender on the Drive on East Coast Radio yesterday, Mandla told us this will be his tenth Comrades Marathon.
Mandla runs every year, and unlike most of the other blind runners who take part, he has no guide. He runs it on his own each year.
What makes Mandla's conquests so exceptional is that he refuses to accept he is doing anything remarkable. He is unbelievably humble and insists because he has been blind since birth, it is all he knows. 
Take a listen to the chat with Mandla right here. It might even give you goose bumps. It might even inspire you to something remarkable.


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