Ice Bucket Challenge

Ice Bucket Challenge

The Ice Bucket Challenge has got social media buzzing! People like JLO, Bill Gates and Justin Bieber are filming themselves getting soaked in ice cold water for a good cause!


Say goodbye and good riddance to the Nek Nomination and welcome ALS Association Ice Bucket Challenge

The Ice Bucket Challenge involves people pouring a bucket of ice water over their heads to raise money for charity! 

Where it all started:

An inspiring video posted on Facebook by Pete Frates, a 29-year-old former college baseball player has inspired celebrities to dumb a bucket of ice on their heads to speak out for his cause.

The Ice Bucket Challenge sole purpose is to raise money and awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. 

The Lou Gehrig disease attacks the spinal cord and can lead to speech difficulties, muscle spasms and even paralysis.

The challenge works like this: 

People make a video of themselves dumping a bucket of ice water on their heads, post it on Facebook, Instagram or other social media sites, and then challenge friends to do the same within 24 hours or donate $100 to ALS

Take a look at some of the celebrities you never expected to take part getting involved in such an awesome challenge: 

Bill Gates creative take on the Ice Bucket Challenge 

Rob Riggle, Horatio Sanz, Steve Higgins, The Roots, & Jimmy Fallon take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: 

Carrie Underwood and Mike Fisher ALS Ice Bucket Challenge 


If you are keen to get involved - Tweet, Facebook or Instagram your Ice Bucket Challenge video using the #tag #IceBucketChallenge and make sure you donate $100 to the ALS Association here 

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