This is how you beat racism

This is how you beat racism

A photo of a black police officer helping a white man at a KKK protest in the US has taken the internet by storm.


They say a picture's worth a thousand words. They were absolutely right. 

A photograph that was taken at a pro-Confederate rally in South Carolina in the US, has gone viral for one simple reason - Compassion!

You'll remember that the state decided recently to take down its Confederate flag from statehouse grounds. Not everyone was happy about it.

That group of people including KKK and neo-Nazi members felt that Southern heritage needed to be protected and held a “Heritage” rally in Columbia.

One demonstrator couldn't stand the heat though. He became ill after suffering heatstroke and needed assistance. The irony is that the person who escorted him to a shady area is a black police officer.

Someone snapped a pic of the cop helping the protester and that image has gone viral. Many people have described the photo as powerful and praised the police man for showing love, care and compassion during a racially charged protest.

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