Gabriel completes Amashova for a good cause

Gabriel completes Amashova for a good cause

Gabriel’s first ever Amashova ride was dedicated to Kwanele Ndlovu and all those who are suffering and living with Down Syndrome.


I wasn’t sure whether I was going to do this or not. 

In fact, even at 02h00 on Sunday morning, I still wasn’t sure, despite purchasing a bicycle and it’s bells and whistles. 

After all this, I still needed a reason to get up at ungodly hours of the morning and drive to Hillcrest; only to ride back to Durban.

I did find that reason, which made sense to me, as to why I’m doing this…Down Syndrome Awareness! 

It is one of those “things” that in many communities around our country, it is not given the awareness it deserves. 
More so, us, as the so called or we call ourselves “the mentally perfect” are the ones who discriminate against those suffering from this condition. 

We are far too quick in removing the sufferers from our communities and putting them in places of “special care” etc. Once we have done that, in our little social circles, we give them names such as “retarded” ‘Quasi Modos” and so forth. 

I won’t sit on my high miniature pony and point fingers. Just like you I’m very guilty, possibly the guiltiest for not doing anything about this earlier, when I realized the error of our ways. I kept quiet and carried on with my life. 

So my very first Amashova ride, I decided to dedicate to Kwanele Ndlovu and all those who are suffering and living with Down syndrome. 

Kwanele Ndlovu, was a twelve year old boy from Umlazi who at birth, was only given a maximum of three years to live. He defied medical experts by living up to twelve years. He brought joy to all those that came across him - a hugger by nature and unsung comedian. 

As I clicked my cleats onto the bike, I remembered ALL those who have condition. During the entire 35 kilometers from Hillcrest to Durban, I rode alone, a symbol of how I imagined how people with Down syndrome must feel, most of the time. 

I’m aware that my efforts for dedicating this race, are not going to change the way Down Syndrome are treated in society…but it has changed how I will treat them and that’s all that matters for now!

Congrats Gabriel for finishing the race! You rock 

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