First celebrity encounters

First celebrity encounters

That nerve wracking, butterflies in your stomach kinda feeling when you met your favourite celebrity for the first time! It happens to the best of us. East Coast Urban producer KK met Reason last week. Here's what happened...

reason studio.jpg

We all have our list of favourite celebrities that we idolise.

Then the day comes when you finally have to meet them, that moment happened for me last weekend when I was faced with the scary situation of leaving the studio and going outside to fetch rapper Reason from the cab that fetched him from the airport.

That nerve wracking butterflies in your stomach kinda feeling took over me. BUT there was no time to think about it Reason was waiting for me. 

As I opened the front door of the cab I was met with a warm friendly smile and felt like he was a long distance friend. I carried his luggage, took him to studio and the interview got underway.

Afterwards we continued to chat and at times I found myself forgetting that we were actually chilling with Reason!

So let us know of your first time experience with your favorite celebrity: who was it and what was it like?


Myself and @kwazikhoza just namedropping on @eastcoastradio #Flexing #EastCoastUrban #Urbanradio #Impilokalova

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