Darren bugs Nats!

Darren bugs Nats!

When Darren found out Nats is scared of any type of bug he saw his opportunity to test her scream levels. Watch Darren bug Nats in the most unexpected places. Hint: She couldn’t even do her business in private!


This past week The East Coast Breakfast team asked you what, aside from crimes, makes you scream blue murder and reach the 9s that drives your partner mad? 

Natarah shared that a cockroach makes her reach the 9s very easily! 

It drives her hubby crazy especially when she screams aloud unexpectedly. 

Darren found this very amusing and it sparked a very smart but cruel prank idea. 

He decided to go around the office and plant fake ‘cockroach look-alikes’ in the most unexpected places to see whether he could get her to reach the 9s. 

Poor Natarah, she didn’t see this one coming!

She couldn’t even enjoy a wee without being ‘bugged’ by Darren Maule. 

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