Cherish the gift of walking

Cherish the gift of walking

This week's Big Favour is about Elijah, a magical young man with a heart of gold. Elijah is unable to walk and may never walk unless he gets equipment to assist him.


This week's Big Favour is about Elijah, a magical young man with a heart of gold. Elijah is unable to walk and may never walk unless he gets equipment to assist him.

Clydre Room wrote in to the Big Favour.

"My name is Clyde Room. Today I find myself in an awkward position having to send this request to you. I am normally the one dealing out assistance to people coming to me in need, yet this one request is a little over my head as far as finances are concerned. I first met Elijah and Rebecca(Elijah`s mother) when my nephew brought them over to our house one day. I will never forget the impact that day had on me to see this little boy unaware of the difficult path his has ahead of him. He smiled and laughed all the time he was playing with my son and his little puppy,

Not once did he show any signs of being hindered by his disability. Now that Elijah is in pre-school, he is starting to notice that he is different to other children.
I have been trying to find away to help little Elijah without burdening others in this difficult period where everyone is struggling to support themselves."

Rebecca was quoted about R8000.00 for the specialised walking frame which you can only get from Italy.

Our Big Favour heroes who so graciously helped out Elijah are:
Dayalan Chetty from Mediotronics donated a specialised walking frame - MEDIOTRONICS contact no: 031 201 5640ces

Shivani Mudaly offered her services as a occupational therapist - Contact no:  031 201 5640/ 079 516 1398

And Hillcrest Hospital staff allchipped in to buy little Elijah an incredible walking buggy with which his road to walking will be made that much easier and faster!

Thank you also to Esme for her wonderful Big Favour cakes!


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