Celebrity encounter

Celebrity encounter

Have you had a celebrity encounter that blew you away...perhaps met someone, received an autograph, even a mention on social media? Darren recently has, we share his exciting celebrity encounter...

Everyone in the entertainment industry is green with jealousy! 
Katy Perry’s super fan a.k.a Darren Maule received a personally signed autographed album from the queen of pop and  to top it all off she favorited his Tweet on Tuesday evening!  
Darren feels like Katy is slowly coming around
This story sounded to good to be true and the team requested actual evidence! 
Take a look at the Tweet that Katy Perry took time to read and decided to ‘favourite’ 
We did some snooping and discovered a YouTube clip of Katy Perry meeting her ultimate fan live on the Ellen DeGeneres show! 
We want you to watch this girls reaction and tell us if you think WHEN Darren finally meets Katy Perry he will react the same way!
Take a look:

Have you had a celebrity encounter that blew you away? 
We posed this question on our  Facebook page and this is some of the awesome stories we wanted to share with you:

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