Breastfeeding someone else’s child?

Breastfeeding someone else’s child?

They say breast is best. However, is your breast best for someone else’s child? An American mum has been slammed for doing that…


#MilkSiblings. That hashtag, along a photo of a breastfeeding mum, is what sparked a wave of criticism during World Breastfeeding Week recently. 
Mother-of-one, Jessica Anne Colletti, from Pennsylvania, uploaded the pic on Facebook (see picture below). It’s a page run by parenting blog Mama Bean Unconditional Attachment.
In her post Jessica said, "My son on the right is 16 months and my friend's son is 18 months. I watch her son while she works and have been feeding them both for a year! So much love between these milk siblings, it's a special bond between us all. #MilkSiblings"
The young mum experienced a wave of criticism online with many people saying she’d overstepped the mark and that they would be upset if someone else fed their babies. 
One woman commented, “I truly believe it is a sacred bond that should only be shared by mother and baby.”
Jessica received lots of support and praise on social media as well though. Many people say don’t see anything wrong with breastfeeding someone else’s child so long as the child’s mum knows about it. 
One woman shared her own personal experience saying due to a number of issues when her son was born, her sister helped nurse her little one. 
Mama Bean itself has entered the fray saying, “Brilliant, right? What a wonderful shout-out to sisterhood! What an awesome hashtag ‪#‎MilkSiblings is! What a creative way to navigate motherhood and work!” 
Couldn’t have said it better ourselves!

Would you breastfeed someone else’s child?

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