Behind-the-scenes at Idols

Behind-the-scenes at Idols

Terence had an exclusive backstage interview with IdolsSA Executive Producer Gavin Wratten ahead of the 10th Season of the music reality show. For a man who rarely gives interviews, this is a real treat…

When Pop Idol first emerged in the UK it fast became the reality music competition to catapult some aspirant singer into fame and some fortune. Soon countries around the world started creating their own incarnations of the show, and South Africa is no exception, with Idols SA. 
Now in its 10th year the popular completion has created some music greats – among them Elvis Blue, Lloyd Cele, Khaya Mthetwa, Zama Jobe and Jodi Williams. And love it or hate it, it’s grown steadily year after year. 
I’ve been covering Idols for 10 seasons and got the chance to wander around at Theatre Week this year where I ran into Idols SA Executive Producer Gavin Wratten.
Gavin rarely gives interview so I was really chuffed when he agreed to sit down with me for an exclusive one-on-one…
Here it is…

You can follow Terence on Twitter @terencepillay1 or contact him directly at [email protected] 

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