Be kind to strangers!

Be kind to strangers!

Karma sucks! A guy got the shock of his life when he discovered the person he was rude to was potentially going to be his future boss.


An English man by the name of Matt Buckland was minding his own business on the train to work one morning when he had an unfortunate run-in with another commuter.

As the train stopped Matt was being a real gentleman and stood to the one side allowing others to get off the train, when a ‘rude person’ pushed him aside so he could get off and told Matt to go f*** himself.

Later on, Matt was conducting job interviews, and it just so happens that a familiar face walked through the door…  Yes you guessed it; the ‘rude person’ was there to meet Matt for a job. 

Matt told Buzzfeed, "At first he didn’t recognise me. I asked him how he got to the interview, how was his morning commute. (We were on the train in the morning but the interview was at 5.30pm that evening.) By the end of the interview we laughed it off and were both happy."

Unfortunately ‘the rude person’ didn’t get the job. 

We cannot confirm if it was because of the incident on the train but one could learn something from this story:

Remember to always be nice to EVERY stranger you see or meet! 

The tweet Matt shared on Twitter:

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