Baby born in amniotic sac

Baby born in amniotic sac

A baby has been born at 26 weeks inside a completely intact amniotic sac, a sight so rare it caused the medical staff who delivered him to ‘catch their breath’ WARNING: Graphic photographs.


Silas Philips was born at a hospital in California at 26 weeks inside a completely intact amniotic sac.

Doctors say being born with sac intact is “extremely rare” - a one in 80,000 occurrence.

The hospital released amazing photographs of the little baby curled up inside the sac, his little hands and feet are visible in the pics below.  

Doctors who performed the procedure said: ‘It felt like a moment of awe and we had to catch our breath’ 

Despite his early arrival, Silas is doing well and expected to go home next month.

WARNING: Graphic photographs

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