5 ways to keep the brrrrr at bay!

5 ways to keep the brrrrr at bay!

'Winter is coming,' they said. Some of us didn't take them seriously until yesterday. Don't worry though, Natarah's got a few easy tips to help you survive those dull, cold months...


Who else woke up with their neighbour's car in their yard this morning? Yes, it was that windy last night.

And the cold front finally found KZN after almost seven months of beach weather. We're now having to make big adjustments just to make it through the winter chill. 

Never fear East Coasters! Natarah's come up with five hot tips to help you cope!

5. Shake What Yo Mamma Gave You

Don't think for one second that sitting still with a blankie on your lap is gonna keep you nice and warm. Girl, you need to 'Shake It Off!' Shake off those shivers by dancing to a sick beat!

I recommend Mike's Magic Mix every Friday morning on East Coast Breakfast, just after 07h00. It'll get your heart rate up, improve circulation and you might even drop a kilo or two! #Bonus

4. Lean On Me

Some of us don't have heaters, hot water bottles or electric blankets. So girls, make sure you strategically place your feet on hubby's when you get into bed.

Make sure he has a shower or bath before calling it a day so that his feet are super toasty. Doing this will help your tootsies thaw faster. 

3. Body Warmers 

Do you think your cat or dog is just a pet? Think again my friend! They're like Transformers! One minute they're playing fetch with you in your backyard and the next minute they're offering up their body warmth as a token of love.

Never turn them away! You must embrace your pooky-schnookums and hug them for a long time. Who needs those scratchy jerseys when you've got a loving and loyal bodywarmer?!

2. Spice Up Your Food 

Curry powder people. Curry powder. Don't just pile on layers of socks and vests.

Take the heat inside your body. One of the best ways to do that is to indulge in some old-fashioned spicy food. If you don't want to grab a bunny on your way home from work, try my mum's lekker mutton curry recipe.

Add an extra heaped teaspoon of chilli powder if you're feeling brave. And don't forget to keep the toilet roll in the freezer...for later.

1. Burn Your Eternal Flame

Nothing works up a sweat faster than the horizontal tango.

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