5 signs that you may be sleeping with the enemy

5 signs that you may be sleeping with the enemy

Take Darren's compatibility quiz to find out if you and your partner are a match made in heaven or if you might need to seriously rethink your choice in lover...


If you say yes to three or more of these five seemingly innocent questions about you and your partner, you might be sleeping with the enemy and might need to seriously rethink your choice in lover/partner...

1. Does your partner fiercely protect their phone? Is their phone always locked and do they come up with excuses for you not to use it?

2. Do you find yourself keeping your opinions to yourself for fear of their reaction?

3. Have you changed your circle of friends or do you spend less time with your family because they don't approve?

4. When you wake up and before you go to sleep are they who you always think about?

5. When you play around (pillow fight or wrestle or last touch) have you more than two or three times had to stop because they went too far and accidentally hurt you?

How many questions did you say yes to?

If you said yes to three or more then you might be in an unhealthy relationship.

If you can't be yourself in a relationship, then why are you in it?

It is OK to walk away if it isn't 'The One'. There are many fish in the sea.

Most important - trust your gut. If you have a bad 'feeling' then there usually is a good reason.

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