20 years of fashion fails

20 years of fashion fails

Abi Ray and Jane Linley-Thomas share what they think the biggest fashion fails from the past 20 years were. Buffalo Boots, moon bags, peroxided hair and turtle necks all make their list.

Abi writes: 
Over the past 20 years we've seen some incredibly bad fashion; and I've LIVED those fashion faux pas!
How embarrassing.
I think we can safely say that Buffalo boots (al la The Spice Girls) have got to be the biggest fashion fail EVER! 
I lived through the start of the rave scene in Jo'burg and everyone had them in the mid to late 90s. (Ed's note: It's been confirmed that both Abi and Jane owned a pair of Buffalo's...)
I also had the terrible idea of tying my hair up like Gwen Stefani.
(Above: Remember these nasty shoes?) 
(Above: Abi rocks the Gwen look) 
(Above: Gwen rocks the '90s Gwen look)
The photo below was taken in the late 90s.. the obligatory "shot in the garden" photo! I look angry.. it must be those shoes. 
Jane writes: 
I had to laugh when asked for fashion no-no's from the past 20 years, as I have a very 'Jane' type of dress sense and wear many of the past fashion faux pas.
I sadly don't have any eye-sore fashion photos but have this clear memory of myself before a school social: there I was in a pair of LA Gears, ski pants and a multi colored snow type jacket (in Durban) bobbed hairdo and headband. And I wondered why I never scored...ha!
On my list of fashion #fails are: 
Crocodile clips
Moon bags
(Above: The very practical yet very ugly moon bag - better known as a fanny pack in the USA - has recently made a come-back. Why, why, why?) 
Turtle necks
(Above: You think my turtle neck is a fashion crime?!) 
Peroxided hair
(Above: Still in fashion for some) 
And Cher...
Let Abi and Jane know what your fashion #fails from the past 20 years are. Drop them a comment below. 


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