VIDEO: Sonny Bill gets second medal

VIDEO: Sonny Bill gets second medal

Sonny Bill Williams has been given another World Cup winners' medal.

Sonny Bill gets second medal
Getty Images

The medal was given to him at the World Rugby Awards yesterday.

The All Blacks midfielder handed his medal to a kid who had tried to run onto the Twickenham field to congratulate the All Blacks centre, only to be rugby tackled by a security guard.

Williams received a standing ovation from the audience at the awards when he went up on stage to accept his new medal.

'World Rugby would like every winner to go home with a medal and they have found the final one,' Sky Sports' Alex Payne said prior to Williams going up on stage.

Charlie Lines, the young fan, reportedly tried to give the medal back to Williams, who in turn insisted that Lines keep it.

Watch how it happened below.

(File Photo: Getty Images)

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