VIDEO: KZN couta fishing action

VIDEO: KZN couta fishing action

The king mackerel is famous for providing KZN anglers with some awesome battles.


The king mackerel is famous for providing KZN anglers with some awesome battles.

Couta, as we call the king mackerel here on the East Coast, is an aggressive hunter armed with some rather sharp teeth.

The couta is not to be confused with the barracuda - they are different species.

Couta frequent KZN waters in the summer months and are mostly caught from ski-boats or kayaks.

I remember tales of couta being landed off south pier in Durban, but never saw this myself.

Here we see some awesome couta success from a kayak in KZN waters.

(File Photo:Gallo Images)

- Andre Bloem and Youtube

Twitter - @SportswaveAndre

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