VIDEO: Cape yellowtail fishing

VIDEO: Cape yellowtail fishing

I recall a fishing buddy landing a lovely yellowtail at Kelso on the KZN south coast several years ago.


These fish tend to visit the KZN coast in the colder months of the year and I recently heard of good yellowtail action on the lower KZN south coast.

A study conducted in 2012 suggested that the South African yellowtail population is healthy.

Yellowtail reach sexual maturity relatively quickly and are considered a resilient species.

These fish can grow up to 1.5 metres in length.

Yellowtail mostly feed on other fish and squid.

They are also known to eat both crab and shrimp.

Cape yellowtail are most commonly found in the Atlantic Ocean, but do venture into the Indian Ocean - especially during the annual sardine run.

The footage below was shot off the Western Cape.

Twitter - @SportswaveAndre

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