Still big couta off Zinkwazi

Still big couta off Zinkwazi

Anglers off Zinkwazi have again been catching big couta over the past week. Slow trolled dead baits and larger live baits have been producing the best results.


Conditions have not been ideal over the last week, but Sodwana still produced the odd tuna and couta. Tuna seem to be hitting the Rattlers whereas the couta have been taking live baits. Maphelane fished decently with a variety of fish being landed, the majority of which being Natal snoek and couta. Zinkwazi is still producing one or two big couta, the bite has come from slow trolled dead baits and live baits of the bigger variety. The Westbrook area continues to produce good fish with some very nice snoek, couta and wahoo coming out during the week, all the way to Seabelle and even Umdloti. Live bait is working well for the couta at Seabelle and the smaller couta around 5kg have been taken on fillets by anglers targeting snoek.


Deep off Umhlanga there has been good bottom fishing, with species such as rubberlips, rockcod and slinger being in abundance. Octopus tentacle or a full squid on the bottom hook has got the bigger fish. Durban has been fairly quiet recently and has only seen a few bigger tuna and a few snoek along the backline at Blue Lagoon and Virginia. The Bluff has produced one or two snoek per session for some anglers over the last week. With sea temperatures still being in the low 20s, these snoek can vary in size. Most of these fish, however, have been of the larger size and have been caught on Magic Minnows, Clark spoons and also fillet baits.


Umkomaas/Aliwal Shoal area has given the anglers a bit of hope with some nice kingfish and tuna - most fish have been caught on artificials. Lower south coast leading into Transkei should see some good garrick fishing in the next two weeks or so, as well as some sardine activity.

(File Photo: Gallo Images)

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