Scottburgh shad fishing success

Scottburgh shad fishing success

We have been told of good shad fishing at Scottburgh over the past week.

Toti and Warner Beach have been quiet, but are beginning to pick up as the week goes by. Grey sharks have been the main target species in these areas.

Scottburgh has been on fire, with most of the anticipated species coming out in good numbers. Brown rays, grey sharks, diamond rays, sandsharks and good shad have all been caught and should remain on the bite in the north-east winds this week.

Margate beaches have seen quite a few anglers and a showing of fish to match. Shad have been caught regularly. There have also been grey sharks, a handful of blue rays and also some nice raggies landed.

Fishing in the Transkei region has been productive and only seems to be getting better. With flat seas, anglers are finding it easier to slide large baits out and are enjoying the shark and garrick fun now that the shoals are moving back down the coast and have settled in a few spots. Kob have been relatively quiet, but anglers have been happy to target yellowtail instead, which has been a blast. Plugs on the surface have worked a dream and have seen many of the larger catches recently. The Chaos range of plugs has taken off and has seen a few anglers on their way to successful plugging with its large range of sizes, designs and colours including Glow and Glow Pink for low light conditions.

(File Photo: Gallo Images)

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