Lots of Albert Falls carp action

Lots of Albert Falls carp action

Anglers at Albert Falls Dam have caught numerous carp over the past week.



Inanda – With the weather being not the best, the carp have been a bit harder to catch. Reports of a 12kg and plenty of 6-8kg fish have been received.

Shongweni – With the return of plenty barbel, anglers are finding it a bit harder to get quality fish. Anglers persisting and fishing tight ground baits have done well. Boillies will account for barbel, so stick to maize and tiger nuts.

Alberts Falls – Anglers fishing light tackle off the boats have landed a lot of fish, some of these fish weighing up to 5kg, all on conventional tactics. Super Cast Oozers did most of the damage.


Albert Falls – Has had some amazing fishing lately, soft plastics worked slowly on the bottom with a Mustad Ultra Loch 4/0 or a 5/0 hook should get you the fish. The past weekend, Jesse Schubach landed a fish of a lifetime a 5.5kg. A beast. Well done Jesse, that will certainly get the folks fishing.

Midmar – Slow as always, but the guys in the know have had some good fun with fish ranging between 1.5 to 2 kg.

Inanda – This time of the year Inanda goes wild and some really good fishing can be had. Fish close to structure and you will be sure to get some good action.

Fly Fishing

It would seem that summer has arrived early, as all the local dams are fishing well, with the typical summer patterns. The fly fishermen have started targeting some carp on the scum lines using a stealth approach and well directed casts.


We have heard that at Jozini a strip bait tied onto Copper Spoons is a definite must. During the early morning sessions the Strike-Pro Arc Minnow (redhead) lure could be an option to turn to, but definitely don’t forget the live baits. Trolling lures like the Kingfisher Rattler should also come into their own in the upcoming weeks. The lure of choice would be 120mm long, the colour is red with black stripes and a dive depth of 5m.  

(File Photo: Wikipedia)

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