Large barbel at Nagle Dam

Large barbel at Nagle Dam

Nagle Dam has seen some decent barbel fishing over the past week.


Bass - Many anglers fled to Inanda Dam over the weekend to try out their luck in the clean water. Most anglers had fun with the smaller fish up to 1kg, but struggled to find any decent fish on the boat. All areas close to Durban and Barbel Bay produced fish, as well as Taxi Bay and Donkey Bay. Top water lures seemed to operate the best with many reported fish being taken on weightless flukes. Crank baits produced a few decent bites closer to the river mouth. Horny toads were the more productive of most baits and had fish smashing them all over the dam. These are fished most successfully on a light braid, along the lines of 4lb, which helps tremendously with the bite detection and hook set. These also work well when used with an added scent such as YUM Garlic spray. Weightless Senkos have also worked well in the dirtier water, particularly with an added glass rattle or two glass beads ahead of the hook. Shongweni fished well and left many anglers smiling. Again the Horny toads worked well here along with hollow bodied frogs. Once the sun had risen, flukes and spinner bait worked a charm. The water is starting to drop in temperature and the fish are starting to slow down substantially. The last of the bunch who are still stocking up for winter have not fought very well and are extremely fat.

Carp - Fishing for carp around Albert Falls has been decent over the last two weeks and has begun to show anglers that this dam does in fact hold many a large fish. Anglers fishing the river channel at Pelican Bay hooked into three carp between 5-11kg during the week, as well as quite a few between 2-5kg. Cinnamon flavoured mielies have been the trick in this area according to the anglers. Many anglers have not done as well around the dam in terms of size, however numbers of carp between 2-5kg at all slipways and day sites have been good. Shongweni had a good run with anglers fishing at the opposite reed lines, using Boilies and tiger nuts. The fish have been slow to bite but have all been good sizes. Nagle Dam has been surprisingly good to anglers and has produced good catches of carp as well as some huge barbel for those who are keen on some good sport. The barbel seem to be taking specimen carp baits but have also taken chicken liver and heart.

(File Photo: Gallo Images)

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