Kingfish biting on the Bluff

Kingfish biting on the Bluff

We have been told of kingfish success for anglers on the Bluff over the past week.


Black Rock is seeing a few anglers who have managed to land a few decent kingfish and wave garrick, caught mainly on spinning tackle as well as bait. For those who have continued to fish with decent sized ground baits, the larger species such as sharks and flatfish have been trickling in, but are relatively quiet compared to the smaller edibles such as wave garrick and kingies. Chokka and red-eye baits seem to be doing well across the board. In the Cape Vidal area a few blacktip kingies have been caught. These fish are not uncommon and any small bait that these fish swim past should be taken readily, as well as spoons, drop-shot and even plugs. The smaller 1oz Chaos plugs have been known to work better for these fish. Richards Bay had a good run of inedibles over the weekend, with the diamonds, honeycombs and sandies making an appearance.  This provided hours of fun for anglers, on heavy and light tackle. There were also a few raggies in the mix, which were also of decent size, being landed on throw baits as well as larger slide baits. South of Richards Bay there have been a few diamonds and plenty of milk sharks. Ballito has fished well during last week, seeing many anglers going home with fish. A few Natal snoek have been landed on spoon and grey sharks have been taking baits.


After a relatively slow start to the week, anglers got off the mark and managed to land a few decent fish.  Inedibles have been relatively quiet apart from the odd spinner sharks off the piers and a few grey sharks.  Blue rays and brown rays were landed far less than in the previous weeks, with the only reports of catches being from anglers casting over the banks with grinder set-ups and braid. Grunter showed face midweek, with reports indicating cracker or sealice to be the bait of preference. Small kingies were caught on the Bluff on drop-shot as well as live bait towards the Station over the weekend, all of which were released to fight another day. Good catches of various rockcod species were reported towards Cave Rock and off the Tidal Pool. These were landed on big sardine baits, mackerel head and also live bait. The Kingfisher’s “Biggest Shad Competition” has now finished. The heaviest shad for September received a Daiwa SL 50SHK reel, valued at R1625, the second heaviest shad received a 13’6” Kingfisher Coastline Medium, three piece, 4-6oz Graphite rod, valued at R1145 and third heaviest shad received a Daiwa AG 6000 reel valued at R598.


In the Toti area the odd flatfish has been landed, but in Scottburgh quite a few grey sharks, brown and the odd diamond rays have been caught, with the summer flatfish around this looks to be an excellent year for them. Port Shepstone has been quiet with the odd bronze bream and small kob in the 2 to 3kg range landed. This report sent in from Craig Pretorius, Tacklenet in Port Edward: “What an exceptional weekend for anglers, with visitors coming from all over the country they were shown the lower South Coast at its best. Shad were plentiful at Splash Rock and Lucky Dip. Anglers putting shad out as live bait were rewarded with garrick and yellowfin tuna. A total of seven garrick and three tuna landed, with many more been lost. Bronze bream are also eating with some nice specimens of around 3kg landed. Give Craig a call on 0393 113 3013 for more info about fishing in lower South Coast.

(File Photo: Gallo Images)

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