Fishing Report - Durban harbour kob

Fishing Report - Durban harbour kob

We have been told of kob success in Durban harbour over the past week.


No sign of garrick so far in Durban harbour, but the kob have moved in which means the garrick should not be too far behind. With the next predicted cold front we should see a garrick or two.

On the grunter side of things, there have been good reports from the charter boats and recreational anglers. Good catches of fish of varying species off the banks around the E7 buoy and also good catches of Kingies around the BAT Centre Pier. Remember that McArthy 2, 2.5 and 3" paddletails are the best options for these smaller fish, along with small poppers and spoons.

The grunter have been relatively small and hardly making size apart from the odd few, which have been taken in the deeper waters. For situations where there are just no big fish in sight, the use of ultralight tackle will be the best option if fun is what you are after. A 5'6" rod paired with a size 1000 reel is perfect. The odd big fish that comes along will be a good workout.

(File Photo: Office of the KZN Premier)

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