Durban harbour paddletail success

Durban harbour paddletail success

The use of the McArthy 2" and 3" Paddletails has seen kingfish, torpedo scads, walla-walla, rock salmon and other predators caught in the Durban harbour recently.


So far the success on these small paddletails has been mind blowing as the reports from many anglers using these lures pour in. Most popular spots have been the tip of the Yacht Moll, BAT Centre Pier and the usual spots around Royal Zulu. Boat anglers have been lucky enough to also fish the Coaling Terminal area with success.

On the bait side of things we see that the grunter have remained on the bite, with some excellent specimens being landed on the weekend.

At this time of the year it is common for the garrick action to start in Durban harbour. A suggestion from the pro anglers would be to start fishing for these fish as early and as often as possible. Nobody knows for sure when they come into the harbour and so it is important to have a bait in the water in anticipation. Live maasbanker, pinkie or shad will work well.

(File Photo: Office of the KZN Premier)

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