Durban harbour big-eye kingfish

Durban harbour big-eye kingfish

Mixed reports have come in regarding fishing in Durban harbour.


However, towards the end of the week it became clear that there were definitely a large number of fish on the bite.

Charter boats reported good numbers of rock cod near the harbour mouth, being caught on cracker shrimp surprisingly.

Kingfish have been caught unconditionally on small poppers and drop-shot, and occasionally on small spoons too. The majority of catches have been big-eye kingies, so do not hesitate to spend more time on the water and fish into the night, as these predators have excellent vision even in the dark.

Plenty of fun is still to be had on the banks, in the form of brown rays and diamonds. These flatfish have been taking cracker rigged on a standard grunter trace with a size 4 or 6 Mustad Carp Bait holder hook. This allows the bait to have a more natural presentation.

Grunter have been plentiful for around half the week and virtually non-existent on other days.

(File Photo: Office of the KZN Premier)

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