Big shark action in Richards Bay

Big shark action in Richards Bay

Anglers in the Richards Bay area have caught some big sharks over the past week.


Kosi Bay - Good fishing along this stretch. Particularly impressive was the Banga Nek area, producing excellent numbers of flatfish and a fair amount of spinner sharks and blackfin sharks. Best of all was the number of honeycomb rays caught. These ranged from around 20kg all the way up to 90kg. It is good to hear that most of these fish have been landed on grinder outfits, with a firm favourite being the Daiwa Saltist 6500 matched with a Daiwa Saltiga HMG Spinning 6-8 Oz rod.

Cape Vidal - A fair number of catches have been seen north of Vidal Bay on small chokka baits. The bulk of these catches have comprised of edibles such as stumpies and wave garrick. Some smaller inedibles have moved in around the Vidal area, most of which are brown skates and smaller honeycomb rays.

Richards Bay - Most anglers targeting sharks have been lucky with the amount of raggies in the area, which have ranged between 30kg and 120kg. South of Richards Bay has produced some bigger flatfish, predominantly browns and honeycombs. Bigger sandsharks have also been landed on bigger, fleshy baits.

Zinkwazi - Some good general catches including a very nice Cape yellowtail, which has been unheard of in this area for some time now.

Ballito - There have been decent showings of grey sharks in the Ballito/Salt Rock area, as well as some small sandsharks. Shad have been caught on baits thrown for other species.

Blue Lagoon - Small sandsharks were caught throughout the week on small baits and spinning outfits, with some bigger shad caught accidentally as well.

Durban - In the bad weather experienced over the last week, many anglers had an extremely good time catching a variety of inedibles from the Durban beaches, including a few sandsharks measuring over 180cm. Blue rays have been caught as well, but far smaller and lower quantities.

(File Photo: Gallo Images)

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