Big garrick in the Richards Bay area

Big garrick in the Richards Bay area

We have been told of some nice garrick caught in and around Richards Bay over the past week.


Kosi Bay had plenty of shad catches daily, along with good numbers of smaller kingfish which were caught on artificials such as Jerk Minnows, Paddletails and small bullet spoons. These spoons are designed for ultimate casting distance, good action and class leading affordability. These top shelf spoons which are available in a variety of sizes, are designed for Natal snoek, kingfish, bonito, shad and garrick and will be a definite item to have in your arsenal of lures. Shad have been the bulk of the catches further along the coast all the way to around Richards Bay, where the species count improves slightly. Besides shad, the lucky angler out of every few has managed to land a few good edibles such as rockod, cave bass and stumpies.  

Richards Bay has seen grey sharks making a good appearance and they have been present the whole week. The good news is that there has been a drop in the amount of milkies being caught, which has meant that more anglers have found themselves catching better quality edibles as well as larger sharks. Garrick have been coming out around the Richards Bay area and although not as plentiful as down the coast, they are decent size and should be increasing in numbers shortly,  taking into note the cold weather we have been experiencing. The harbour itself was relatively productive and yielded a few kob, kingfish and some very nice grunter.

Tugela Mouth saw action yet again, with garrick and kob taking up the catch records. Apart from the kob and garrick, other species to be noted include pompano, shad and grunter which all made up a substantial portion of the catches at Tugela over the past week.

Umdloti had a good run of larger grey sharks during the week, some weighed more than 25kg. These were not as abundant as the 5-8kg models which were in a full-on feeding frenzy on some days. Spinner sharks were also present along with the shad.

Big fishing competition for physically challenged anglers at Durban Naval Base on 1 August 2015 - Call 031 701 7444 for more details.

(File Photo: Gallo Images)

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